Idly9231 / freshrss.OPML

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Last active 1709425123
Did some tinkering in FreshRSS to clean up the feeds and enable full-text feeds. I am also throwing in some of my personal feeds I've curated over the years. Hopefuly you all find something useful here. ps: there are some front-ends here that can be self-hosted if you want. I recommend this to keep the bandwidth down for everyone else (I substituted my local hosted urls with those of the more stable public instances of them)
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <opml xmlns:frss="" version="2.0">
3 <head>
4 <title>FreshRSS</title>
5 <dateCreated>Sat, 02 Mar 2024 18:25:53 -0500</dateCreated>
6 </head>
7 <body>
8 <outline text="Crypto">
9 <outline text="CoinDesk: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto News and Price Data" type="HTML+XPath" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl="" description="RSS feed of CoinDesk: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto News and Price Data" frss:xPathItem="//div[@class=&quot;static-cardstyles__StaticCardWrapper-sc-1kiw3u-0 iiwocm&quot;]" frss:xPathItemTitle="descendant::a/div[@class=&quot;card-title&quot;]/h2/text()" frss:xPathItemContent="." frss:xPathItemUri="descendant::a/@href" frss:xPathItemAuthor="descendant::div[2]/div[1]/a/text()" frss:xPathItemTimestamp="//html/body/div/div[2]/div/div/main/div/section[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/div/div[*]/div[*]/div[2]/span/text()" frss:cssFullContent=", //div &gt; main &gt; article &gt; div:nth-child(3) &gt; div, //div &gt; figure, //" frss:cssFullContentFilter="div.tNrPr, div.iDuJiB,, div.article-authors-module, layout-row"/>
10 </outline>
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